Dani Nichols | NAPCO Ltd.
Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
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Dani Nichols

  1. Protect Your Small Business Credit Score

    Small businesses don’t always have small expenses. As larger needs with your business come up, you’re going to want to explore some financing options. And that’s where it’s smart to know what a lender will be looking at in order to potentially approve you for financing. Credit is credit, right? Wrong. There’s a difference between […]
  2. Network Like a Pro and Grow Your Business

    Believe it or not, everybody needs to be networking. Even tradesmen. Sure, your customers will hopefully refer you to others and that’s terrific. But in between those nice referrals, you’ve got to make connections among people who might be able to introduce you to prospective customers. Where do you begin? Especially if you dread the […]
  3. 3 Steps To Stop Chasing “Cold” Prospects!

    Question: Do you know what your very best customer looks like? A lot of tradesmen don’t or they’ll say, “Anybody who has money.” Sure, money is obviously important - but so is knowing where you should be spending your quality time. Ah yes. Time. We all have a limited amount of it and in your […]
  4. Could Millennials Key A Housing Comeback?

    The Millennial generation, typically those who are 33 years old and younger, represent one of the largest generational groups in U.S. history after the Baby Boomers. As such, their potential to positively influence the housing market in a big way can’t be discounted. According to an annual survey of recent homebuyers by The National Association of Realtors, millennials are the leading generation of all first-time homebuyers.

  5. 3 Ways To Take Your LinkedIn Visibility Up A Notch

    As a tradesman, you know that good word of mouth is a key part of growing your network of potential referrals. But what about expanding your network online to complement that effort? Are you connected to clients and other people who have been good partners for you there too? If you’re thinking that your online […]

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