NAPCO Blog | Small Kitchen and Bath Refinishing Business Tips
Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
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North American Polymer Company

  1. The Pros and Cons of Bathtub Refinishing vs Bathtub Liners

    The Pros and Cons of Bathtub Refinishing vs Bathtub Liners
    A full bathtub replacement is hugely expensive, not to mention inconvenient. There are two main options for salvaging that old tub, at a fraction of the cost - Bathtub Refinishing vs Bathtub Liners - see the pros and cons.
  2. Holiday Home & Office Decorating Challenge

    Holiday Home & Office Decorating Challenge
    NAPCO invites you to celebrate your home for the holidays with us, and enter for a chance to win one of three $100 Visa gift cards. Submit photos of your home/office interior holiday décor, your holiday tree, or the exterior of your home/office decorated for the holidays. Multiple submissions in each category are welcome. Photos […]
  3. NAPCO Announces Renewed Partnership With Habitat for Humanity

    NAPCO Announces Renewed Partnership With Habitat for Humanity
    NAPCO has announced its renewed partnership with Habitat for Humanity. This marks the second year that NAPCO and the global nonprofit housing organization have joined forces.
  4. 3 Reasons to Add Kitchen onto Your Refinishing Business in 2019

    3 Reasons to Add Kitchen onto Your Refinishing Business in 2019
    Now is the time to get a head start on preparing your business for 2019.  Whether you’re considering entering the home improvement sector first time or you’re an experienced contractor, adding kitchen refinishing to your skillset is a sure-fire way to grow your business in the new year. Here are 3 reasons why you should […]
  5. What You Didn’t Know About Your Air Freshener: Plug-Ins Can Peel Away Paint!

    What You Didn’t Know About Your Air Freshener: Plug-Ins Can Peel Away Paint!
    While air fresheners come in all different shapes and sizes, all of which make the air smell good, it is important to be mindful of the ways in which these scent sprayers can impact your home and your refinishing work. Plug-in air fresheners contain methylene chloride and can ruin newly refinished products. Even the slightest leak can leave your new paint and refinishing job a complete mess. As a point of caution, never use any air fresheners, especially plug-ins, near refinished surfaces.
  6. NAPCO Supports 2019 Kitchen Trends with Color for Cabinets and Countertops

    NAPCO Supports 2019 Kitchen Trends with Color for Cabinets and Countertops

    We have put together a list of modern kitchen trends. By applying any one of these design ideas to your kitchen cabinets and countertops, you can give the heart of your home a fresh update that will last.

  7. NAPCO honored as one of Chicago’s 2018 Best and Brightest Companies to work for two years in a row!

    NAPCO honored as one of Chicago’s 2018 Best and Brightest Companies to work for two years in a row!
    Chicago’s Best and Brightest Companies to Work For in 2018 - the second year in a row that NAPCO has been recognized for this award. While over 800 companies were nominated for this award, NAPCO along with 160 other organizations were selected as award recipients.
  8. NAPCO Kitchen Renew Satin Clear Countertop Coating Receives Green Wise Certification from CRGI

    NAPCO Kitchen Renew Satin Clear Countertop Coating Receives Green Wise Certification from CRGI
    NAPCO, Ltd. (North American Polymer Company), a national home refinishing and refinishing training company, received notice from Coatings Research Group, Inc. (CRGI) that its Kitchen Renew Satin Clear Coating for Countertops can be labeled, “Green Wise.”
  9. How to correctly apply an eco-friendly paint stripper

    How to correctly apply an eco-friendly paint stripper

    NAPCO Sonic Strip is easy to use and safe for you and the environment. By following these steps for correct application, you won’t have to compromise quality, performance, or the environment.



    Our Head of Research and Development, Steve Zamborsky, recently sat down with the hosts of the Mighty House Home Improvement Show to discuss NAPCO new products for bathroom and kitchen refinishing.