Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
NAPCO Refinisher
North American Polymer Company
Bathroom Innovation Throughout the Ages
The bathrooms of today are the result of a long history of invention and innovation throughout the world, culminating in the convenient, beautiful, and easy-to-use appliances of modern-day households. For your next history lesson, NAPCO presents a brief summary of bathrooms through the ages, and how innovation has led to the bathtub coatings and refinishing products that we create. -
Kitchen Cabinet Primers
Pair kitchen cabinet resurfacing with countertops and you provide an almost complete remodel. By using our high-build primer resin you can cover up almost any woodgrain pattern and color with one coat. Then just apply any color (including custom selections) topcoat and your customer has a totally new look. -
History of the Clawfoot Bathtub
Though they were out of style for many years, interest in the clawfoot bathtub is being renewed as many of today’s homeowners are favoring an old-timey, vintage look instead of the sleek, contemporary designs often seen in new houses. At NAPCO, our refinishers are often asked to work on these types of tubs as owners […] -
Bathtub Refinishing Equipment
Using the right bathtub refinishing equipment is important. NAPCO offers a complete line of equipment including HVLP spray systems, fume exhausters, spray guns, and repair kits. The best coatings to use for bathtub and tile refinishing projects are applied with spray equipment, making it important to use quality spray systems and spray guns to produce good results for your customers. -
Resolving Disputes with Homeowners
The goal of any refinisher is to establish a happy and healthy relationship with their clients, and most of the time this is not an issue. However, disputes with clients do happen. Tempers can run a little high during projects that are time-consuming or that do not go as planned, and it is important for […]