In today’s digital marketplace, your ability to leverage online platforms is crucial for the success of your refinishing business. If you’re a refinisher looking to expand your reach and attract more homeowners or even commercial clients, Facebook ads can be a powerful tool. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps to create a successful Facebook marketing campaign tailored specifically for your tub, tile, bath, and kitchen refinishing business.

Why Advertise on Facebook?

Before diving into the specifics, let’s understand why Facebook Ads are a great fit for your refinishing business. The four key points are audience targeting, brand awareness, fit for consumer marketing, and emphasis on visual marketing.

  • • Highly Detailed Audience Targeting: When you use Facebook to market your refinishing business it allows you to define your audience very specifically. It allows you to target based on demographics, interests, behaviors, and even specific locations. This precise targeting ensures that your ads reach the people who are going to buy your refinishing services. The right people.
  • • Brand Awareness: When you are building brand awareness about refinishing and about your services Facebook is an excellent platform to showcase your work. It allows you to highlight success stories, share customer testimonials, and build brand recognition with your name logo and company name. The ability to use strong visual content, such as before-and-after photos, makes your content very attractive to homeowners.
  • • Better Fit for B2C Businesses: According to research conducted by the Pew Research Center, 76% of women use Facebook, and 68% of those with household incomes above $100,000 are users of Facebook. Facebook is widely used by your primary target audience — Facebook’s user base consists of many individuals seeking bath and kitchen refinishing solutions, making it an ideal match for your marketing needs.
  • Emphasis on Visuals: Kitchen and bath refinishing projects are beautiful. You have had the fun and exciting experience of the owner seeing the completed project for the first time. Then you show them the before picture as a reminder of how it looked just a couple of days earlier. They are ecstatic with how beautiful your finished project looks. Facebook’s strong tools and focus on images and videos align perfectly with showcasing your craftsmanship. Before and after pictures of your best projects are powerful.


How to Boost Your Refinishing Business Using Facebook Ads

Getting Started with Facebook Ads

Getting started with Facebook advertising takes a few steps. You need to define your goals, set up your Facebook Ad Manager, test and optimize your ads, and finally leverage your content onto relevant other sites. Below we will take a look at each of these steps.

1. Define Your Goals

Before creating ads, clarify your objectives. Are you aiming for lead generation, brand awareness, or community building? When you know your goals it is much easier for your campaign to have a clear strategy.

2. Set Up Facebook Ads Manager

There are a few simple steps necessary to set up your Facebook ad campaign. Once created you will have tools to manage it so that you can achieve your goals.

  • • Go to Facebook Ads Manager: Log in to your Facebook account and navigate to Ads Manager.
  • • Choose a Goal: Select your campaign objective. For lead generation, choose “Lead Generation.”
  • • Add a payment method to your Meta Pay digital wallet: You’ll need a credit or debit card, PayPal or Shop Pay attached to your account to pay for your ads.


3. Create Your Campaign

  • • Name Your Campaign: Give your campaign a descriptive name like “Summer Refresh”
  • • Create Your Ad Set: Your ad budget will determine how many impressions you will get and to which audiences your ad will be served. This is a very important decision that will determine the reach of your campaign. This dictates how many eyeballs will see your ads.
    • · Budget: Set a daily or lifetime budget for your campaign.
    • · Audience: Define your target audience (e.g., homeowners in your service area).
    • · Ad Placement: Choose where your ads will appear (e.g., Facebook feed, Instagram, or Audience Network).
  • • Design Your Ad Creative: Your creative is important because when your ad is on the page, the quality of your creative determines how many people will look at it and interact with your ad. If your ad is eye-catching and novel yet tasteful you will get good engagement.
    • · Ad Format: An ideal format for you to use is carousel ads to showcase multiple refinishing projects including before and after photos.
    • · Visuals: Remember to use very high-quality, high-resolution images. These images of completed projects are your best magnet for grabbing attention.
    • · Ad Copy: Craft compelling text that highlights your expertise and unique selling points. Customer testimonials are great. Be certain to explain how with refinishing you can match the owner’s preferred color palette and the decor of the room.
  • • Create Your Lead Form: Your lead form is a critical part of the entire campaign. It is where you will capture your refinishing leads’ information!
    • · Collect essential information from potential clients: name, phone, email, needs
    • · Customize questions related to their refinishing needs: tub, counters, cabinets, tile floors, etc.
  • • Enable Tracking: Tracking the engagement and performance of your ads is where you can monitor the effectiveness of the campaign.
    • · Install the Facebook Pixel on your website to track conversions.
    • · Monitor ad performance and adjust your targeting, ad spend, and creative as needed to achieve your goals.


How to Boost Your Refinishing Business Using Facebook Ads


4. Test and Optimize

Typically, most ad campaigns get some results but often don’t hit the perfect home run at first. This is the reason it is a good idea to test and optimize your ad campaign. One good strategy is to pay attention to the ads of competitors or related services. They have often gone through a learning curve to optimize their campaign, You can pick up valuable tips there.

  • • Test Multiple Concepts: One strategy is the AB Test. In this strategy, you run two campaigns at the same time using a different strategy. Use different images on the two campaigns. You may choose to target slightly different audiences. In this way, you can learn which campaign is a bit better and run that. Remember in AB Testing if you change too many variables, it is hard to know which change worked.
    • · Run A/B tests to compare different ad variations.
    • · Identify which visuals and copy resonate best with your audience.
  • • Measure Results: Once you have all of your ad campaign elements in place now is your opportunity to run the campaign and see what happens. Taking the time to read your results weekly is a good method to evaluate what is working. When you first begin, resist the urge to look at your campaign multiple times per day or even every day. We all do it. But you must give it time to run to get real results. Early results can be misleading.
    • · Track leads generated, website visits, and conversions.
    • · Adjust your strategy based on data insights.


Leverage Niche Social and Review Websites

While Facebook is powerful, don’t overlook other platforms:

  • • Houzz: Share project photos and engage with homeowners interested in remodeling.
  • • Angi (formerly Angie’s List): Advertise your services and collect reviews.
  • • Yelp: Showcase your work and encourage client feedback.

Remember, advertising is an investment. Use Facebook Ads strategically to complement your full portfolio of lead-generation strategies. When done right, it can propel your refinishing business to new heights.

Now go ahead, create captivating ads, and watch your refinishing business flourish!


  1. How to Advertise Your Home Renovation Business on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide
  2. Social Media for Home Remodeling: 6 Tips to Get Started
  3. 11 Facebook Post Ideas for Contractors, Remodelers, and Home Builders