Business Archives 4 - NAPCO Ltd.
Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
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  1. The Case for Refinishers to Command a Higher Price

    The Case for Refinishers to Command a Higher Price

    When it comes down to it, no two rooms might have more impact on whether or not someone decides to buy a home than the kitchen and bathroom. For the seller, these two areas can hold a great deal of weight in resale value as well – and it doesn’t necessarily require a giant renovation […]

  2. Some home remodelling projects just aren’t worth it—and that’s good for resurfacers!

    Homeowners are always looking to upgrade their homes. Kitchens and bathrooms are usually on the list. However, major remodels of either of these may not be the best option when you consider how much the homeowner will recoup when the sell the house. Take kitchens as an example, according to a 2016 report by, […]

  3. “Granny Flats” May Create Project Opportunities

    “Granny Flats” May Create Project Opportunities

    If you’ve been looking at bathroom and kitchen refinishing opportunities occurring strictly in a standard family home, it’s time to literally think outside of that box. Whether it’s grandparents aging out of their traditional homes or kids moving back home (and sorry, Junior, your parents already turned your old bedroom into something else), we’re seeing […]

  4. 3 Major Cash Flow Challenges You Can Remedy

    “Cash flow? I’m not some CPA who can predict this stuff.” Many of us aren’t natural-born bookkeepers, but as business owners, having a basic understanding of the concept of cash flow is vital. When you can more properly manage how cash flows in and out of the business, you can not only get a firmer […]

  5. Building A Winning Season Like A Baseball General Manager

    Building A Winning Season Like A Baseball General Manager

    For over 100 years, baseball was a game defined by what seemed like simple things: Wins and losses. Obviously the more talented team you had, the more you’d be in a position to win a lot more games on your quest to be a world champion. But in about the last decade, as teams gained […]

  6. Protecting Your Small Business From Robocaller Scams

    Protecting Your Small Business From Robocaller Scams

    There’s a recorded call on your business phone line from someone claiming to be a Google representative. They’d like you to contact them about your local business listing because, after all, don’t you want to be found more easily online? They can fix some things up for you in no time and you’ll find yourself […]

  7. Get Sellers Ready For “Buying Season” With Resurfacing Projects Now

    Get Sellers Ready For “Buying Season”  With Resurfacing Projects Now

    Before you know it, we’re going to arrive at the month of April – which people in some of our colder climates can’t wait for! However, for homeowners considering putting their homes on the market during the peak time of year in spring and summer, it’s literally time to get their house in order. This […]

  8. Giving Your Referral Process A Tune-Up

    Giving Your Referral Process A Tune-Up

    Question: Do you have a real process for getting a referral from current and former customers? If you’re like most people in the trade, you really don’t. But that’s a great opportunity to take a look at having more of a process for getting motivated customers to share a good word on your behalf to […]

  9. New IRS Program May Help Control Payroll Tax Challenges

    New IRS Program May Help Control Payroll Tax Challenges

    It’s not every day that we get to mention something positive that the IRS is rolling out on behalf of small businesses, but its newest program may just qualify. Keeping up with payroll tax payments can be a headache for any small business, especially if you’ve ever fallen behind and made a late payment. Before […]

  10. Interest Rates Finally Increase – What Does It Mean For Home Buying?

    Interest Rates Finally Increase – What Does It Mean For Home Buying?

    For the first time since 2006, the Federal Reserve announced a hike in its short-term interest rates. Almost immediately, speculation took off across the media with questions about what this increase might mean for a variety of sections of the economy – the housing market being one of the most prominent suspects. Yes, home sales […]