You might remember from our blog last month, that minor kitchen remodels are one of the top home improvement projects in 2019.

But did you know, you can actually make more money by refinishing one kitchen vs numerous bathrooms?

Some of our professionally certified NAPCO refinishers have used NAPCO’s kitchen refinishing products and training services as an add-on to their existing bathtub refinishing business, while some have even made kitchen refinishing their primary business. By adding kitchen refinishing onto their bathroom refinishing business, these refinishers have been able to greatly increase their overall revenues with little in the way of cost.

cabinet refinishing - after

Because total revenue can vary, comparing profits between refinishers in different areas gives a more holistic look at kitchen refinishing vs. bathroom refinishing revenues and costs. We spoke to three of our professionally certified NAPCO refinishers, two of which are now refinishing both kitchen and bathrooms on a regular basis and are highly successful. We’ve put together a side-by-side comparison of their refinishing costs, revenues, and profits for kitchen vs bathrooms below.

Refinisher #1
Location: Indiana

Kitchen Bathroom
Overall Time Spent 3 days 1 Day
Avg Revenue $3,000 (cabinet work only) $1,200 (tub, tile)
Avg Cost of Materials $350 $80
Avg Profit $1,900 $800
Jobs per month (%) 25% 75%


25% of Refinisher #1’s business now comes from kitchen refinishing. Refinisher #1 hopes to continue expanding their kitchen refinishing cliental base as well as their number of kitchen refinishing jobs in the coming months.


Refinisher #2
Location: Indiana

Kitchen Bathroom
Overall Time Spent 2.5 days 1 Day
Avg Revenue $5,000 (cabinet work only)

$6,000 (cabinet and countertops)

$949 (complete tub, tile)
Avg Cost of Materials $300 $50
Avg Profit $2,000 $700
Jobs per month 3-5 100-120


Refinisher #2, one kitchen refinishing job makes the same amount of revenue as refinishing six to eight tubs. As many of us know, the more jobs you do, the more chances you have for errors and call backs. So, while refinisher #2 performs far less kitchen refinishing jobs per month compared to bathroom refinishing jobs, each kitchen refinishing job brings in 5x more revenue with far less risk.


Refinisher #3
Location: Louisiana

Kitchen Bathroom
Overall Time Spent No kitchens 1 Day
Avg Revenue $500 (complete tub, tile)
Avg Cost of Materials $50
Avg Profit $300
Jobs per month (%) 0% 100%


Refinisher #3 hasn’t added kitchen refinishing to their business. While their business is doing well, it could benefit significantly from adding a few kitchen jobs per month.

Like refinisher #3, you may be missing out on revenue from kitchen refinishing services.

NAPCO is here to help you grow your refinishing business and we make it simple. With NAPCO’s kitchen refinishing class, attendees receive a full day of hands-on training using our top-of-the-line products for kitchen refinishing.

Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your business offerings and revenue line. Add NAPCO’s newest kitchen refinishing products and training services onto your refinishing business. View NAPCO’s kitchen refinishing training dates and call us to reserve your spot!