NAPCO Attends the Waterborne Symposium
Steven Zamborsky, head of development at NAPCO, attended The Waterborne Symposium in New Orleans, Louisiana, from February 19 to the 24. Since 1973, The Waterborne Symposium has hosted numerous conference events and seminars that focus on the discussion of ground breaking research for eco-friendly coating technologies.

Steven Zamborsky, head of development at NAPCO
A panel of expert speakers and researchers educated Steve in the most effective techniques and training on progressive and environmentally secure coating technology. Steve is NAPCO’s leading researcher who understands a wide range of information in this area. He believes in the success of NAPCO and continuously works to improve their eco-friendly coating products.
“I am grateful I had the chance to attend the Waterborne Symposium because NAPCO believes in the importance of conserving our environment and knows that eco-friendly coatings can help the situation,” said Steve, after returning from his experience at the conference. “Our goal at NAPCO is to continue to find new ways to improve the success of our products in an environmentally friendly and secure way. We plan on using the research I gathered at the conference to continue advancing our product line.”
While at the conference, Steve attended the session led by Robson F. Storey, a professor of Polymer Science and Engineering at the University of Mississippi. The session helped establish and address the best ways in which NAPCO can achieve success regarding their eco-friendly coatings. This intensive two-day class dealt with waterborne coating technology and best practices, encouraging Steve’s optimism for NAPCO’s future. He fully believes this new research can increase NAPCO’s success of implementing eco-friendly solutions and obtaining the most innovative products for their customers.
The Waterborne Symposium provided additional opportunities for NAPCO and Steve, and helped to further the development for new and progressive practices on the eco-friendly coatings that NAPCO has to offer. “I am so impressed with the findings presented at the Waterborne Symposium and I am working to incorporate what I’ve learned into new initiatives at NAPCO. Our future is looking very bright and I’m excited for what the future may bring.” Steve said, grinning.
Find NAPCO’s eco-friendly coatings here. For any further questions about our products or training programs, feel free to send us a quick message in the chat box.