Refinishing Tips and FAQ for Bathtubs, Tiles, Sinks, Countertops
Equipment, Supplies, and Training for the Professional Refinisher
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Refinishing Bathtubs, Tiles, Sinks, Countertops

  1. Through Thick and Thin: The Proper Amount of Refinishing Product

    Through Thick and Thin: The Proper Amount of Refinishing Product
    One of the most important steps in a refinishing project is also one of the easiest to mess up: applying just the right amount of bathtub resurfacing products to ensure the job gets done right.
  2. Kitchen Cabinet Primers

    Kitchen Cabinet Primers
    Pair kitchen cabinet resurfacing with countertops and you provide an almost complete remodel. By using our high-build primer resin you can cover up almost any woodgrain pattern and color with one coat. Then just apply any color (including custom selections) topcoat and your customer has a totally new look.
  3. Poly-Glass Counter Topcoats

    Poly-Glass Counter Topcoats

    NAPCO offers a complete line of low gloss resin for use on kitchen counters and vanity tops. This line has the same features as our high gloss coatings but with 20% less gloss. The textured versions are as easy to use as the regular low gloss coatings but result in a slightly textured surface.

  4. Safety Precautions to Take When Refinishing

    Safety Precautions to Take When Refinishing

    Bathroom refinishing can be especially dangerous because bathrooms are usually small, enclosed spaces without proper ventilation. Exposure to methylene chloride can lead to eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and at high levels it can impair breathing. Fortunately, there are a number of precautions refinishers can take to ensure that they are not harmed by these dangerous chemicals.

  5. Bathroom Makeover - Why a Fix-Up is Worth Time and Money

    Bathroom Makeover - Why a Fix-Up is Worth Time and Money

    If your bathroom is in need of an upgrade, then you are probably wondering which course of action to take. This is a dilemma that many homeowners face as surfaces and appliances break down over time and need to be replaced. The two obvious choices are to either repair your rooms as best you can, […]

  6. Tips From the Pros on Masking Your Bathroom or Kitchen before Refinishing

    Tips From the Pros on Masking Your Bathroom or Kitchen before Refinishing

    Want to learn more about masking your bathroom successfully? NAPCO is always here to assist you during the refinishing process. We hope these tips can help you successfully mask the bathroom or kitchen.

  7. Caring for Refinished Surfaces

    Caring for Refinished Surfaces

    Are you enjoying the sleek, shiny look of your newly refinished kitchen countertops, bathtub, or bathroom vanity? If so, read on to learn how to properly care for these surfaces so that they do not break down over time.

  8. New Year, New Bathtub

    New Year, New Bathtub

    2017 is here, so let’s start working on those New Year’s resolutions. If your old tub is dragging you down, it’s time to finally do something about it! Replacing a tub is highly expensive and most of the time it is ultimately unnecessary. Most bathtub damage does not extend below the surface-level, and can be fixed with a timely and affordable refinishing solution. You could put the money you save toward accomplishing another New Year’s resolution!

  9. Bathtub Refinishing in Restoration Projects - Claw foot bathtubs with Eco-Glaze Coating

    Bathtub Refinishing in Restoration Projects - Claw foot bathtubs with Eco-Glaze Coating

    There are many things to think about when you are restoring a home. You want to be able to keep as much integrity about the house as possible while also incorporating many aspects of modernity, we are living in 2017, after all.

  10. Winter - Can Your Bathtub Refinishing Supplies Handle the Cold?

    Winter - Can Your Bathtub Refinishing Supplies Handle the Cold?

    The first snow of the season has come and it won’t be the last. With the expectation of freezing temperatures in the not-so-distant future, this is the perfect opportunity to discuss how to care for your refinishing equipment during these cold months.