bathtub refinishing
Safety Precautions to Take When Refinishing
Bathroom refinishing can be especially dangerous because bathrooms are usually small, enclosed spaces without proper ventilation. Exposure to methylene chloride can lead to eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, dizziness, and at high levels it can impair breathing. Fortunately, there are a number of precautions refinishers can take to ensure that they are not harmed by these dangerous chemicals.
New Year, New Bathtub
2017 is here, so let’s start working on those New Year’s resolutions. If your old tub is dragging you down, it’s time to finally do something about it! Replacing a tub is highly expensive and most of the time it is ultimately unnecessary. Most bathtub damage does not extend below the surface-level, and can be fixed with a timely and affordable refinishing solution. You could put the money you save toward accomplishing another New Year’s resolution!